Book of ezekiel 37 commentary pdf

Three stages in israels revival present themselves to the. Zimmerli, knowledge of god according to the book of ezekiel, in i. Doughty southside christian church december 2014 introduction. Ezekiel was commended to pray to boldly prophesy to the spirit calling on the spirit to come upon those upon whom the word of god has worked. Ezekiel 37 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. Read ezekiel 37 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete.

The book of ezekiel is unique in that, with occasional exceptions, it is entirely autobiographical, that is, written in the first person, from the viewpoint of ezekiel himself. A commentary on the book of ezekiel by pastor galen l. I think ezekiel saw it better than any of the other prophets. Lexical there are several excellent lexicons available for ancient hebrew. Not only does the book present a striking picture of the resurrection and restoration of gods people ezekiel 37, it. Hebrew and english lexicon of the old testament by francis brown, s. Their restoration is represented by a vision of dry bones made alive.

Ezekiels vision is an example of contextualization, where god accommodates his selfrevelation to cultural expectations and norms. God gives to ezekiel a real living parable and to do so he takes him to the valley of dead bones. Five years after his deportation to babylon 592 bc, god appears to ezekiel at the river chebar and calls him to the office of prophet being thirty years old ezek. Ezekiel chapter 37 the valley of dry bones, israel restored. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man. Ezekiel 37 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. It is included in the larger freeonline bookscollection on the ellen g. God announced, through the prophet, that israel will be restored to her land in blessing under the leadership of david, my servant who shall be king over them ezekiel 37. A commentary on the book of the prophet ezekiel, chapters 2548, trans. It is intended to help you better understand some of the background and issues in ezekiels prophecy.

The first time after the babylonian captivity, when cyrus the great allowed the jews to return to israel ezra chapter 1, ezra and nehemiah cover the extent of this restoration. The bible says, the people could only see their present. Prophesying to bunch of dry bones is not the normal course of action. This commentary is based upon my personal devotional notes and reflections on the book of ezekiel. These doubts were strong enough, in those early days, to raise the question of whether ezekiel should be one of the biblical books. What is the meaning of the valley of dry bones in ezekiel 37. While it stands on its own as a powerful statement of gods power to recreate the community, the context is significant. The meaning of our text, as opened up by the context, is most evidently. The book of ezekiel he will be strengthened of god. Book of ezekiel overview insight for living ministries. Ezekiel s mission to the judean exiles in babylon was to prepare them for the greatest crisis in the history of yahwehs covenant people.

Jan 10, 2016 gcbi is a one year bible program designed to give students the tools and knowledge required to understand the bible and form a biblical worldview, with the goal of following jesus last. Under the emblem of the open valley being thickly strewed with very dry bones is represented the hopeless state of the jews when dispersed throughout the provinces of the chaldean empire. The book of ezekiel is the third of the latter prophets in the tanakh and one of the major prophetic books in the old testament, following isaiah and jeremiah. Ezekiel 37 is the thirtyseventh chapter of the book of ezekiel in the hebrew bible or the old testament of the christian bible. Ezekiel chapters 1 to 24 free bible commentary in easy english. Ezekiel 37 new american bible revised edition nabre chapter 37. But if they know anything, its likely to be ezekiel 37. Ezekiel 37 bible commentary john gills exposition of the bible. Information about this book overview this ebook is provided by theellen g. It is intended to help you better understand some of the background and issues in ezekiel s prophecy. Yahweh brought ezekiel out in his spirit to a valley of dry bones 37.

The best modern commentary on ezekiel written from a reformed perspective. In christian circles, however, the name ezekiel almost universally invokes the story of a valley filled with dry bones that is the reading for the fifth sunday in lent ezekiel 37. Skin and flesh covered them, and the wind was then told to blow upon these bodies. Ezekiel is ordered to prophesy upon these bones ezek. Ezekiel 37 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is actually 30minute audio files that takes listeners through the entire bible in 5 years. The book of ezekiel pronounces judgment on both israel and surrounding nations, but it also provides a vision of the future millennial kingdom that complements and adds to the vision of other old and new testament texts. The union of judah and israel under king messiah symbolizes the union of jews and gentiles under him, partly now, perfectly hereafter ezekiel 37. Ezekiel s in babylon, having been exiled there after the first siege of judah by the babylonians. This book is basically about the destruction and exile of judah and the promise of its eventual restoration by god. Ezekiels vision of the valley of dry bones ezekiel 37.

The book of ezekiel, chapters 124 the new international commentary on the old testament. Ezekiel with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. Dry bones and the resurrection of the dead ezekiel 37. Ezekiel looked beyond the sufferings of christ to the glory that should follow.

As peter said of the prophets, they saw the sufferings and they saw the glory that would follow 1 pet. It is no wonder that the christian tradition often reduces the book of ezekiel to this one magnificent text, given the strange, violent, incomprehensible, and. The books chief concern, however, is not with physical origins, but with the relationship god desires to have with. The book of ezekiel has always been a problem book. Ezekiel 37 is a famous passage that records ezekiels vision of the valley of dry bones. The threatenings of the destruction of judah and jerusalem for their sins, which we had in the former part of this book, were not so terrible, but the promises of their restoration and deliverance for the glory of god, which we have here in the latter part of the book, are as comfortable. The jewish people experienced two major exiles, the assyrian exile and the babylonian exile. White 18271915 is considered the most widely translated american author, her works having been published in more than 160 languages. Of great value both to theologian and pastor, it follows the nt in identifying christ and the new covenant as the true sphere of fulfillment of. A commentary on the book of ezekiel southside christian.

The book of genesis those who gave the name genesis to the first book of the bible were the translators of the pentateuch. Lockman to help understand the context of ezekiel s message of hope in chapter 37, study the following diagram of the book. The book of ezekiel is the third of the books of the major prophets, coming after the books. The book of ezekiel is the third of the books of the major prophets, coming after the books of isaiah and jeremiah in the christian canon. This vision took place while israel was in babylonian captivity so sometime between 586 b. Few people these days, or so it seems, know much about the long, complex, and exceedingly odd book of the prophet ezekiel. A series of studies in the old testament book of ezekiel.

The bible tells us that on that one day of pentecost three thousand people came. Lockman to help understand the context of ezekiels message of hope in chapter 37, study the following diagram of the book. He belonged to the family of zadok, who was a famous priest. Ezekiel was brought out in the spirit of the lord, that is, in vision, and set down in the. For i will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and. According to the book itself, it records six visions of the prophet ezekiel, exiled in babylon, during the 22 years from 593 to 571 bc, although it is the product of a long and complex history and does not necessarily preserve the very. The vision of gods throne knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. Ezekiel went into exile at the same time as king jehoiachin in the year 597 bc. Discover practical insights into the book of ezekiel. The means used for the bringing of these dispersed bones together and these dead and dry bones to life. Gcbi is a one year bible program designed to give students the tools and knowledge required to understand the bible and form a biblical worldview, with the goal of following jesus last. This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophetpriest ezekiel, and is one of the books of the prophets. In the first two ezekiel announced judgment on jerusalem ezek.

The text not only gives the preacher a powerful gospel to proclaim, it also confers a freedom of proclamation on the preacher. Kerr finds this in the manual of discipline 1 qs 9. Dec 10, 2017 few people these days, or so it seems, know much about the long, complex, and exceedingly odd book of the prophet ezekiel. Some think the primary emphasis is upon a physical. The babylonian exilethe exile in which ezekiel was involvedcame in two waves, the first beginning in 597 b. The ancient hebrews called the book by its opening words, in the beginning. Ezekiel was twenty five years old when he was deported with the others to babylon and thereby born in the year 622 bc.

Introduction and chapter 1 agenda for session 1 historical background ezekiel the man organization of the book chapter 1. The second action was tantamount to praying, as ezekiel besought the spirit of god to effect the miracle of recreation, to breathe into mans nostrils the breath of life cf. Ezekiels in babylon, having been exiled there after the first siege of judah by the babylonians. Study ezekiel 37 using john gills exposition of the bible to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. This chapter treats of the same subject with the preceding, in a beautiful and significant vision. The similarities between ezekiel 37 and ephesians 2 have been only rarely. Verses 114 matthew henrys commentary bible gateway. Youll find david jeremiahs introduction to the book of ezekiel on page 10511053 of the jeremiah study bible. Remember, the designation major or minor simply refers to the length of the book, not its importance.

The meaning of the word ezekiel means whom god strengthens, and by him judah was to know of the future restoration of all israel to the promised land by the messiah, the lord jesus christ. Jesus is the fulfiller of the promises laid out in the book. Study guide for ezekiel 37 by david guzik blue letter bible. The prophet is not just credible but sufficiently audible. The vision of dry bones is more interesting when we read between the lines. The gathering of israel from the nations is an event fulfilled twice in the history of israel. The book of ezekiel, addressed primarily to the exiles in babylon. Ezekiel 37 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. The dried bones convey a life giving message to the dejected ones. If for no other reason, the book of ezekiel merits careful study so. Ezekiel chapters 36 37 the restoration of the land.